The exchange of opinions, ideas and concepts, as well as the promoting of cooperation and of a joint network can only be achieved through a large number of strong partners.

ACARYON develops next-generation pre-/post- or probiotics and microbiome applications. ACARYONs glycobiology experts also provides services regarding strain development, strain analysis, assay development, microbial-glycobiology, fermentation and production processes.

BEL BioEnergieLand GmbH set itself the overarching goal of contributing to a more sustainable and fair future. The company markets a new generation of innovative and automated vertical indoor farms. With these "BEL Climate Chambers" anyone can produce crops and ornamental plants regionally and climate-neutrally; all year round.

BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg is a University of Technology with a strong focus on innovation and sustainability. The combination of basic and application-oriented research results in solutions that are in demand worldwide in the key areas environment, energy, materials, construction, health, information and communication technology.
Certification by CERREC ensures that the packaging meets the requirements of the EU Packaging Regulation (PPWR) with regard to recyclability. This is particularly relevant for companies that have to comply with legal obligations.

The company Christine Berger has been producing sea buckthorn and wild fruit products for more than 20 years; for its products the company has been using fruits it cultivates itself. These fruits grow on the fields of Brandenburg safe from environmental hazards and chemical fertilizers. The company Christine Berger GmbH grafts only domestic fruits and markets the products as “Werder Havelland Delicacies” also beyond the borders of the state of Brandenburg.

Digitalwerk supports small and medium-sized enterprises in Brandenburg in digitization. At practice-oriented experience stations, in workshops and events, digital technologies can be experienced for the trade and medium-sized businesses.

Seddiner See is one of the business locations of the company Dithmarscher Geflügel GmbH & Co. KG, which is being regarded an expert for geese that are being raised in accordance with the category “free range total freedom”. In the course of the past three years, a new volume of investments ensured that today the company ranks among the most state-of-the-art companies of its kind in Germany.

A great variety of high-quality products that taste good: this trio of characteristics has turned the company Dreistern (literally “three stars”) into a well-established expert in the production of high-quality convenience and instant meals. Among its strengths ranks the wide variety of traditional and innovative foods from the region.

With about 2,200 students and 61 professors*, the HNEE is the smallest university in Brandenburg. Sustainable development is the maxim for action and is consistently implemented in all areas of the university - in teaching, research, operations and transfer - and further developed in a participatory manner.

The brand Eberswalder is committed to its almost 35-year-old tradition. Every year the company produces over 300 million sausages, bratwursts and bockwursts. Cold cuts and meat delicacies complement the company’s product portfolio. This makes the company the most important producer of sausages and meat products in the state of Brandenburg.

The „Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Landbau Berlin-Brandenburg e.V.“ (short: FÖL e.V.) operates as the local umbrella organization regarding all topics of the different sectors in the organic food business. It acts as an active lobby for producers, processors and traders and is the social network of the local organic movement.

Where science meets business. Tradition meets the future. Technology meets nature. Together we are rethinking and redesigning our food system - side by side and hand in hand. Our Food Campus focus topics cover the entire spectrum of: Smart Proteins, Personalized Nutrition and Robotics/AI.

The joint project food4future (BMBF) establishes innovative production systems for alternative food sources in urban areas: macro algae, halophytes, jellyfish and crickets. In addition, food4future develops an app to record the individual nutritional status of consumers and analyses the impact of extreme scenarios on society.

In the Berlin-Brandenburg capital region, the four most important universities have joined forces with leading research institutions to find timely solutions for sustainable food systems. Committed scientists founded FoodBerlin, a research and innovation network on nutrition systems, in 2016.

The mission of the German Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbruecke (DIfE) is to conduct experimental and applied research in the field of nutrition and health. The aim is to understand the molecular causes of diet-related diseases, and to develop new strategies for prevention and treatment measures as well as nutritional recommendations.

The Institute for Food and Environmental Research (ILU) is a non-profit research institution with more than 20 years of expertise in the field of food processing, environmental research and biotechnology.

The Institute of Agricultural and Urban Ecological Projects affiliated with Berlin Humboldt University (IASP) serves as a bridge connecting university research and entrepreneurial applications. The department “Food Technology” focuses on turning agricultural and horticultural primary products into high-quality foods that are safe to consume.

LandLogistik combines freight capacities: independently from the carrier, in a smart way and in real time. This creates quick and cost-efficient transport chains that, in addition, save resources.

The research conducted by the Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy focuses on the quality and safety of food. Process chains of fresh products or products that have been processed just to a small degree take centre stage – these products are mainly fruits and vegetables as well as insects as an alternative bioresource.

The Leibniz Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops (IGZ) conducts research in horticulture at the interface between plant biology and environmental sciences. We focus on plant health and nutrition, plant composition and quality, development of sustainable production systems and the contribution of plants to food security and human nutrition.

Marktgenuss, in its capacity as a genuine cooperation network, puts the main focus of its activities on the coordination of cooperation and on the integration of key issues, as well as on the treatment and further development of these issues. In order to do so, it is important to pinpoint and analyse the relevant topics for the respective undertaking, but it is also of the utmost importance to support the individual members of the network and thereby enable them to contribute with their know-how and expertise.

MARKTKOST is the first digital canteen alternative for companies with fewer employees. We offer the most convenient way to provide employees with delicious, healthy and versatile lunches, enhancing employee satisfaction. Environmentally friendly without packaging waste and always with fresh, seasonal ingredients.

We produce "fresh fruit salads" WITHOUT preservatives !! Right now, healthy eating is becoming more and more important. Every day we take our responsibility and produce various fruit salads and pure fruit salads at the highest quality level. A lot is possible from 7.5 kg to 200 grams.We are your producer in BR.

NutriAct means: Nutritional Intervention for Healthy Aging. NutriAct is an “expertise cluster” for nutrition research supported by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research. The main project goal consists of improving the nutrition and health of persons between the ages of 50 and 70. Representatives from the scientific and business communities are working closely together towards this goal.

As a representative of the interests of agri-food sector businesses and institutions in the Brandenburg-Berlin rural region the association pro agro supports and promotes the marketing of local products and the qualification of agri-food businesses to maintain their market access and to ensure their competitiveness.

Single-variety juices – pure enjoyment and, more importantly, the highest quality take centre stage at the Berlin-based company saftoo. saftoo acquires its juices from quality-controlled fruit-pressers from all around Germany. The manager of saftoo, Toralf Schneider, wants to create an environment in which it is once again worthwhile to restart the cultivation of traditional cultivars such as the “Calville Etoilée” or the “Reine de Reinettes”.

The production in Neuruppin, which is located south of Ruppin Switzerland, started in 2003. Thanks to the high level of quality and to the sustainable product management, SIMON became a full range provider of canned meat dishes and aspic delicacies.

The Technical University of Applied Sciences in Wildau with its 4,400 students is the largest university of applied sciences in Brandenburg. It is a respected research partner in engineering and natural sciences throughout Germany and it ranks among the top research-oriented higher education institutions and also among the higher education institutions that attract the highest volume of external research funding in Germany.

Business development is our business. As the driving force behind the region, we at TGZ Prignitz are a committed service provider for companies and tradespeople based here. We are also the first point of contact for start-ups and investors. In this way, we create an attractive environment for start-ups in Perleberg and Wittenberge.

The Trade Association Berlin-Brandenburg (HBB) is a strong retail sector association, which is being respected in the political field, and as such it possesses a high level of assertiveness and the latest know-how. The approximately 2,000 retail companies that are members of the HBB represent more than 85% of the market share in the retail trade of both federal states.

The regional brand “VON HIER” (“FROM HERE”) is being used for the joint marketing of bioproducts and of conventional products from Brandenburg and Berlin under a common brand. The project is a joint initiative by producers, the food retail industry and the civil society; it highlights and markets regional products from Brandenburg and Berlin by giving them a joint brand.

The Wirtschaftsvereinigung der Ernährungsindustrie in Berlin und Brandenburg (“Trade Association of the Food Industry in Berlin and Brandenburg”) is a voluntary and solidarity-based union of businesses from one of the largest sectors in the capital region. It creates a network, which connects numerous industrial sectors ranging from breweries to sweets manufacturers.