Tisch von oben mit übergroßen Puzzleteilen und Händen die danach greifen
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Become a Cluster partner

Become a part of the overall structure and use the Cluster emblem for your own communication!

As a business and institution (chamber, network, higher education institution etc.) in the Cluster Food Industry, you have the opportunity to register for the “Cluster Partner Emblem”. Use the emblem on your website, at fairs or in print publications. Show your clients, business partners and interested parties that you can rely on a solid network within your sector in the state of Brandenburg.

Please register with the following information using the contact form below and send your logo file by e-mail to janina.loebel@wfbb.de.

After the registration we will provide you with emblem formats that suit your needs.

We will be happy to support you with the emblem’s use.

Contact us

six plus
equals thirteen
Solve this math question and enter the solution with digits. E.g. for "two plus four = ?" enter "6".