As part of the EU project “INNOBIOVC”, an “INNOVATION EXPRESS CALL 2024” (IEC24) is being implemented, which enables the development of supra-regional value chains in the circular economy by synchronizing regional funding programmes.
The development of circular value chains in the bioeconomy is becoming increasingly important, but is more difficult to support due to its trans-regional nature.
The Innovation Express Call 2024 is a collaborative approach to support participants, especially SMEs, in international matchmaking and joint RDI projects in the areas of trans-regional circular bioeconomy value chains, key resources and sectors in agriculture, food and beverages, chemicals, polymers and energy.
The funding instrument aims to facilitate cross-sector collaboration and the development of innovative solutions in two specific thematic areas for projects by building trans-regional links between SMEs, research institutions and other business organizations. Innovation Express Call 2024 is a joint call for proposals implemented under the INNOBIOVC project by synchronizing existing regional funding schemes in the Alpine Space and beyond.